
Batail de verdun
Batail de verdun

batail de verdun

Verdun is also the symbol of exemplary reconciliation which is possible between people who were former enemies, across the tombs. sites of life (where people lived) : the destroyed villages.remembrance sites (where homage is paid to the combattants) : The Mémorial de Verdun, the Tranchée des Baïonnettes, the Monuments to Jews and Muslims who died for France. Alongside the Somme, the name of the fortress town in eastern France is synonymous with the worst horrors of World War One.

batail de verdun batail de verdun

cemetery sites (where men are buried): the National Necropolis and the Douaumont Ossuary.


  • battle sites (where men fought) : PC Driant, the Douaumont and Vaux Forts on the right bank Hill 304 and Le Mort-Homme on the left bank.
  • It consists of a group of remarkable sites that allow the visitor to understand the stages of the development of national remembrance. Laveu, la bataille de Verdun et lopinion allemande documents inédits et fac-similés by Madelin, Louis, 1871-1956. This vast area situated in the "Red Zone", proposed for UNESCO listing, bears the striking scars of the bitter combats of 1916. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the. Through the authenticity and richness of its remains, the Battlefield of Verdun constitutes a heritage unique in the world. View of a badly war-damaged hilly landscape after the battle of Verdun in 1916, with smashed and burnt trees and a pathway in the foreground. See what your friends are saying about Champ de Bataille de Verdun. The Germans attacked France because they were thought to be the most important ally of England. This struggle for annihilation, through an artillery duel without precedent, symbolises and summarises the whole war. La bataille de lAtlantique se gagne sur les champs de ble de. The battle of Verdun was fought between the German and French armies, from 21 Feb.-, on hissy terrain north of the city of Verdun-sur-meuse in north-eastern France. The Battle of Verdun in 1916 was a frontal assault, the most murderous in history, between France and Germany. There were 300 days and 300 nights of combat without a break, 300,000 dead and missing, 400,000 French and German wounded.

    Batail de verdun